Thursday, May 28, 2009

Moses Znaimer shares A New Vision of Aging in Canada

Moses Znaimer, Executive Director of CARP, stopped in Windsor yesterday to share "A New Vision of Aging". In honour of his visit and the recent removal of an age barrier to CARP membership, I became a CARP member! Now, you might expect some elaborate ceremony followed by a pin of some kind and maybe a modest amount of pomp and circumstance but, alas, all I received was the receipt I printed from my computer after my online membership order was confirmed.

I'm always interested in presentation style. I wasn't sure what to expect from "Moses" (as he requested he be called by audience members) in terms of a presentation because he IS a media mogul, afterall. I've seen all kinds of styles but nothing quiet like this. He didn't actually SPEAK at all...well, at least not in the traditional sense. What he did do was present a powerpoint/slideshow/embedded video and music concoction. It was well put together, of course.

The presentation focused on a couple themes; what is a zoomer?, zoomer demographics, Moses' media efforts to promote the new image, his Canada-wide tour of CARP chapters, and the race to a million CARP members. The arguments were compelling and, whether you agree with his style or the slick new Zoomer mag or not, you can't fault the idea of a cohort organizing to advocate for it's distinct needs and desire for inclusion.

The presentation concluded simply with the words "Any questions?" and Mr. Znaimer quietly walked up on stage and began taking questions from the audience. After the Q&A period, the event ended and he graciously stood and answered questions from a lengthy queue of folks wanting to bend his ear. If this man doesn't spend a significant amount of time meditating then I want to know what his secret is. He has the most calm and comfortable demeanor.

I was pleased to have been part of the audience and would love to see CARP achieve it's goal of 1 million members. Think about it:

For more on his visit:

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